I like to use this time of the year to trial some new ideas for the next school year. I am excited about some of my ideas that I picked up from some of my blog readers, Twitter chats, and thoughtful colleagues. Here are some of my plans to try before the year is over:
Trailer Tuesday: One of my blog readers recently mentioned how she does this in her classroom and I am excited to trial this in my classroom. I plan to have a sign up sheet for students to sign up to share a book and I plan to share a book I have read each week as well. Thanks to a colleague and mentor, I have been reading one book from my classroom library a week and I now have a wonderful stack to share!
Wonder Wendnesday: Wonderopolis posts a wonder question each day on their Twitter account. I plan to utilize this question each week from our class Twitter account (IRESRowe). I will be in the dark with my kiddos (scary, but trilling thought at the same time). With groups and partners, we are going to discuss, research, and think about the wonder for the day. I'm not really sure how this will look or where my kiddos take this one, but I am happily along for the ride with them this week! I am going to try this as an introduction to a genius hour in my class next year (also a scary, but thrilling thought for me).
In the News Friday: I am going to try a different use for my Time for Kids magazine subscription. On Friday's, I plan to have my students read the main article in the weekly magazine and have a discussion around the weekly news. I will provide groups with a list of discussion questions that they can use as a guide or add their own as they go. There won't be anything to record or turn in. I simply want my students to learn how to listen to one another and carry on a conversation with others about what they read and the world around them.
I am excited to see how this works and to make changes as the students need them.
What are you planning to trial for the end of the school year?
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