This school year has been such a busy year! I have grown so much as a teacher and am amazed when I think about all the different things I have tried this year and learned from.
Today was one of those days that I wished I had tried this activity last year, because it went so well and my class would have loved it last year! I know I never would have tried it because it was much less structured than I would have ever considered a year ago and yet it is just what my class needed this year.
Today was a reminder to me of how much I have grown this year. I never would have trusted myself to let my class "go." I had students working in so many different directions today during our Language Arts block, yet they were the most engaged they have been all year! I had students working on their persuasive essays (both at my table with me and independently at their desks), students were reading, students were planning their persuasive essay commercials, students were taping their commercials, students were editing their commercials, and students were working on non-fiction text feature posters. Having this many activities happening all at the same time was a lot less structure than I am used to and often comfortable with.
The results of the day were amazing today. I had students who completed their commercials that far exceeded my expectations! I had students lost in their books. I had students tell me that they were proud of themselves for completing their essays and that they were proud of the essay they have spent so much time working on. I left feeling as though we had a very successful day as a class and can't wait to see if I can continue giving up the control like I have this year to my students and their opportunity to learn through experiences.